1. What is your plan in the fall? Attending university? Traveling? Performing? Give me all the deets!!
This fall I'll be attending Cornell University as a statistical science major! I hope to continue dancing on campus and join On Tap Dance Troupe.

2. What were your favorite parts/performance features at Shuffles?
My favorite dances have always been the big musical theater numbers at the end of the show. My first year at Shuffles I remember being allowed in "Happy" and being super excited to dance alongside all of the older kids. Over the years I've just loved being in these big group numbers like "Come Alive" and "Big D" and getting that adrenaline rush in the final push of a 2-hour show.

3. What is your favorite memory from your time at Shuffles?
Some of my favorite memories have come from being in the Wednesday MTC. Every year Katie has challenged us with something new, and beyond stretching for splits or trying for our double pirouettes I've loved being able to bond and face the challenge together. I also loved doing "Favorite Son" the year I was in AP. Doing daily crunches and boat poses really brought our group together, and I was so lucky to have made so many new friends that year!!

4. How has Shuffles impacted you today?
Shuffles has really shown me what it means to be a part of a supportive ensemble. All of my Shuffles teachers have taught me the importance of a strong work ethic and coming to class every week ready to collaborate and be creative. I'll always be appreciative of everything they've taught me!Â